Neo Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising: Cost Savings

How to save time and money with NEO Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising.

The cost of producing a live-action advertisement, from concept to production to editing, is high. However, by using our Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) to create images and videos, organizations can realize savings of between 50% and 90% per ad.

The savings can either reduce the breakeven point for an advertisement or be used to produce additional ads for cost-effective A/B testing.

Applied Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising: Anatomy of an Ad

Advertisements can run between 5 seconds and 2 minutes, depending on the target audience’s needs and the viewing platform.

Current best practices indicate that 15 seconds is optimal for most platforms, with the ad divided into 3 x 5-second sections:

Section 1: Introductory Hook. The sole purpose is to grab the attention of your target audience and entice them to watch the second section. And, the visual used must be relevant to what you’re selling. As consumers know, a click-bait hook will, at most, do nothing to entice your target audience to watch the rest of your ad, and it could ruin an organization’s reputation, which is very expensive to repair.

Section 2: Customer Benefit. Explain what single problem your product or service solves in simple visuals and voiceover. Similar to Section 1, this section must be compelling enough to encourage your target audience to proceed to Section 3.

Section 3: Call to Action. After watching for 10 seconds, what do you want your customer to do? Examples include:

    • Sign up for an E-mail list.
    • Purchase your product or service.
    • Request more information.

Applied Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising: Time Savings

Live-action advertisements typically take 4 to 6 weeks to complete.

Significant items to complete can include:

    • Concept
    • Storyboard
    • Dialog and voiceover
    • Casting talent
    • Retaining the crew
    • Scouting locations
    • Scenic design and construction
    • Purchasing or constructing props
    • Purchasing stock footage, music, audio FX
    • Editing
    • Color grading

On the other hand, AI advertisements substantially reduce the time to 2 weeks or less by eliminating or condensing most live-action elements to:

    • Concept
    • Dialog and voiceover
    • AI image, video, music, audio FX generation
    • Editing
    • Color grading

Applied Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising: Cost Savings

Live-action advertisements generally start at US $5,000 but can quickly increase to 10x or more, depending on their complexity.

Compare that with an AI ad in the $500 to $5,000 range that performs equally well at executing the Call to Action.


Below is an example from a video advertisement for a product. Moving from Live Action (US $10,500) to Artificial Intelligence (US $4,100) reduced the cost by 60% and the production time from 6 weeks to 5 days.

Neo Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising: Cost Savings
Neo Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising | Cost Savings


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