Neo Artificial Intelligence. eLearning

Our client saved 75% off what they usually pay. We also saved them the time and frustration that can come from trying to project manage all the people traditionally involved with creating eLearning videos.

Artificial Intelligence Video Advertising: eLearning

Focusing on eLearning videos as a key part of your advertising strategy benefits you by building relationships with your current and potential clients by providing them with valuable information.

eLearning videos are part of the ongoing conversation you should regularly have with your clients.

eLearning Example

We started with a client-supplied 3-sentence briefing. From there, it took one person and an Artificial Intelligence (AI) less than two days to complete and deliver the final video, including:

  • Conduct financial research (verified sources that we fact-checked)
  • Analyze the research and draw data-based conclusions (AI-assisted)
  • Produce images (AI generated)
  • Create the article copy (AI-assisted)
  • Create the voiceover script (AI-assisted)
  • Record the voiceover (AI)
  • Record the music (AI)
  • Edit the final video

Here’s the final video.

(Article continues after the video)

Anatomy of eLearning

eLearning videos have the same anatomy as we covered in our previous Anatomy of an Ad, with the difference being Section 2 (Customer Benefit). With eLearning, the video itself is the benefit.

Section 1: Introductory Hook. The sole purpose is to grab the attention of your target audience and entice them to watch the second section. The visual used must be relevant to what you’re selling. As consumers know, a click-bait hook will, at most, do nothing to entice your target audience to watch the rest of your ad, and it could ruin an organization’s reputation, which is very expensive to repair.

Section 2: Customer Benefit. This section provides valuable information for your clients and potential clients. Similar to Section 1, it must be compelling enough to encourage your target audience to proceed to Section 3.

Section 3: Call to Action. After watching the advertisement, a clear call to action must be presented.


For more information about how our work in Applied Artificial Intelligence can help you, please get in touch with us HERE.